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We reached 400 000 downloads! Summary of the year Scramjet

You are reading the article from the series in which Polish startups, technology companies and venture capital funds sum up 2021.

In 2021 we observed exponential growth in the usage of our open source products: we hit 400,000 downloads and this is organic growth, without additional marketing activities. Scramjet Framework, liked by Javascript developers, has also been running in Python and C++ since December. It was joined in 2021 by Scramjet Transform Hub, a developer platform that makes it easy to run services on any device. This is a milestone towards our flagship: the Scramjet Cloud Platform, a cloud platform that we are currently making available to our first customers in a closed pilot program.

A bigger team and a round of funding

Scramjet in 2022 is no longer a business idea, but a well-oiled machine. We started our adventure with a team of 5 founders, by 2021 we have grown to a versatile team of 18. Despite the Dantean scenes on the IT market, when even leaders and sexy scale-ups had problems with acquiring good programmers, we managed to attract a really strong team. Let’s not kid ourselves, it was not the founders’ personal charm that convinced them, but rather their willingness to face a real technological challenge and an ambitious vision of the company. It was not without challenges, as we were building the team 100% remotely and we had to create the basis for the organization and culture of the company in conditions of pandemic. What makes it even more surprising is that we succeeded in something that is almost unheard of in R&D projects – proving our assumptions according to plan! After such a baptism of fire we feel confident that with this team we can move the technological mountains and we have a strong foundation for further scaling.

In 2021, we raised $1 million in pre-seed funding from SpeedUp Venture Capital Group, Sunfish Partners and angel investors including Chris Schagen – former CMO and co-author of the success of German unicorn Contentful. We were also ranked as the #1 Serverless startup in the European Union according to Crunchbase. This wind in our sails is further enhanced by the growing vogue for European deep-tech. And we intend to take advantage of this wind.

Our investors have come to believe in our mission to deliver a breakthrough, low-level solution to the most critical problems in data-in-motion processing.

In fact, our market intuitions were confirmed in 2021, looking at the moves of the big players and in direct conversations with IT companies and developers. Fog computing, serverless, and stream processing are trends in modern IT architecture that are only gaining momentum, and we realize them in one simple product.

First customers

The year 2022 will be absolutely pivotal for Scramjet and all of our hard work will see the light of day in the form of the Scramjet Cloud Platform. In 2022, we face another challenge every quarter: acquiring our first customers, then doing an international financing round, and then scaling the business further. We want our products to become a key enabler of Serverless technology in the ML, AI, IoT and Business Intelligence / Web industries and to be a real help to the developer communities programming there. We believe that modern IT infrastructure needs a more powerful and agile data processing engine – at every level.

2022 is set to be the year of the breakthrough. We will combine the power of distributed serverless architecture and real-time processing. This is a product that no one has successfully launched to date. 2022, here we come!

Author: Wojciech Sacha, CEO Scramjet


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