Startups Afternoon 2019
Professional startup forums at the Startup Night in the Wise Castle
On 28 November 2019, for the fifth time, the Budapest Entrepreneurship Development Public Foundation will organise the biggest startup event supported by the capital, the Night of Startups.
The event ( focus on the capital’s startup ecosystem, exciting startups from Budapest and the countryside, and the startup programmes behind them. The event is also the awards ceremony for BVK’s Be Smart startup competition. In 2019, winners in 19 categories will be celebrated and rewarded, and the 70 best startups will also have the opportunity to exhibit on the night.
This year, for the first time, the Night of Startups will be complemented by professional forums on four themes, initiated by developers in the BVK network music, app development, e-health and medical technology (E-Health-MedTech), financial technology (FinTech). The Music Startups Afternoon ( was organised by Phonic Chat and Givent.
The aim of the event is to showcase digital music developments in the country. Visitors will be able to learn about startups in the industry and participate in a roundtable discussion with developers and music industry professionals on the relationship between digitalisation and the music industry, and the impact of music development on the industry. The possibilities of implementing and financing digital developments and the willingness of investors will also be discussed.
Six projects will be presented: Banding, Bandmap, Givent, Musicators, Playsic and Phonic Chat. From booking concert tickets, to developing digital tools for music education, to applications for online collaboration between bandsThe projects offer solutions on a wide range of music-related topics. A zenei projektek bemutatkozását szakmai kerekasztal-beszélgetés követi, amelyre zeneipari szervezetek (Gold Record, Zeneipari Hivatal, WMMusicDistribution, Hangfoglaló Programiroda, Szent György Média és Informatikai Szakgimnázium, Artisjus), orchestras and festival organisers (Blahalouisiana, Valley of Arts, Analog Music Hall) and start-up capital funds and professional organisations (Hiventures, Oxo Labs, INPUT programme) have also accepted our invitation.
The dialogue between projects and professionals in the sector was initiated by Miklós Kovács (Givent), who in January 2019, in cooperation with the European Commission, the European Investment Bank, the Hôpital and the European Investment Fund, has invited us to participate in the project.invited us to Made in Pécs in January 2019 and organised the Made in Pitch meeting, the first event to bring together digital music developers. The Phonic Chat team worked with the Budapest Public Foundation for Enterprise Development to plan the capital’s follow-up, the Afternoon of Startups. Not only music projects will be showcased, three more sessions on app development, health-related development, and more will be held.(MedTech) and financial innovation (FinTech) on 28 November at 13:00 – 15:30 at the Wise Castle. Participation is free but registration is required and can be done here:
More information about the music session is available here:
Everyone is welcome: Kinga Tamás (Phonic Chat), Dénes Poór (Phonic Chat), Miklós Kovács (Givent).
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