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Walkbeat won the Huawei Startup Awards

Swedish-based Walkbeat won the Huawei Startup Awards, which were held in conjunction with Slush in Elsinore.

The company wins €30,000 and gets the chance for possible investment prospects with Huawei.

A total of eight startups, selected from over 50 applicants, competed against each other in the finals at Slush today. In addition to the winning company, all companies that participated in the finals will benefit from Huawei’s cloud computing platform and receive €2,000 in marketing support.

Huawei at Slush 2021

– Healthcare is rarely seen as the next unicorn in investment portfolios. Healthcare projects typically have long lifecycles, also the benefits are needed now rather than tomorrow. That’s why investments in this area require a big heart, says Walkbeat CEO and founder Siddhartha Khandelwal.

– We have a strong team whose expertise is backed by tremendous passion and who all dream of a better society. Walkbeat will soon be in everyone’s life.a

The Walkbeat app analyses walking style in real life. It will, for example, improve rehabilitation, performance training and clinical trials.

The winner of the competition was chosen by a four-person jury, including business angel Pia Erkinheimo from the Finnish Climate Fund, journalist JR Leskinen from Kauppalehti newspaper and Anna Song from Slush. The jury was chaired by Dr Hu Junling from Huawei’s investment department.

– Slush is the place where the brightest inventions and innovations of the future can be found. I am really happy to be able to participate in Slush as an investor and find potential partners,” said Hu.


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