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Strong interest from start-ups for the ESG Innovation Challenge

The submission period for the ESG Innovation Challenge competition organized by the Hellenic Development Bank-HDB in exclusive cooperation with the start-up business registry “Elevate Greece” has ended and the result of the evaluation will be announced immediately after November 4.

It is recalled that this is a pioneering innovation competition that aims to create and implement new methods for the evaluation of enterprises, especially SMEs, not only with financial criteria based on their economic situation, but also with a) environmental, social and corporate governance criteria (ESG criteria), and b) criteria related to the degree of innovation and evaluation of a project or an enterprise (Innovation criteria).

The competition, which was launched on 11 September, as noted in an announcement, received a great response from startups and the outcome of the ESG Innovation Challenge will be announced shortly after 4 November, the day of the final evaluation in the form of pitching. A PoC (Proof of Concept) contract funding of up to €40,000 will be made available for both thematic modules in total (€20,000 for each thematic module) with the prospect of HDB entering into a commercial partnership agreement with the winning company(s).

The proposals submitted will be evaluated by the jury which is composed of Michael Andreadis, Executive Director of Operations and Market Development of Hellenic Stock Exchanges SA, representatives of the academic community, such as Haris Doukas, Associate Professor of Energy and Environmental Policy at NTUA, Angelos Tsakanikas, Associate Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at NTUA and Antonis Livieratos, Assistant Professor of Business and Organizations Management at the University of Athens and scientific advisor to the business accelerator “Archimedes”, as well as Stergios Soyoutzoglou, General Manager of HDB, Panagiotis Papageorgiou, Director of Business Innovation of HDB, and Konstantinos Kalogerakis, Director of FinTech Innovation of HDB.

The article Great interest of startups for the ESG Innovation Challenge was originally published on


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