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peers. Provides Professional Psychological Support In Group Settingspeers

We are peers. We offer psychological help in small groups for depression and stress (anxiety coming in February). 

We have all been in challenging life situations and sometimes still do. We also have experience with individual therapy and the rocky road to it. And because neither individual therapy nor books, self-help apps or coaching could give us the feeling of not being alone with these problems, we founded peers.

Through mutual exchange, we realised how helpful it is to see other perspectives and learn about problem-solving strategies. 

Together we are less alone

Humans are social beings. Cooperation with other people is a central characteristic of behavior. We grow up in groups, we learn, study, work and often spend our leisure time in groups. Groups shape our behavior, emotional experience and evaluation processes.

Psychological help in small groups for depression, stress and anxiety 

Through AI-based group matching, we bring together the right people for a professionally led group course. Without bureaucratic hurdles and with the help of experienced psychologists, we create a space where people feel understood. We teach participants confidence in their own coping mechanisms and together as a group, they learn helpful strategies to increase self-efficacy. Without diagnosis and waiting time. 100% digital via video.

  • 8 people per group in a very similar life situation
  • Led by experienced psychologists
  • From 49 euros per month for 4 sessions
  • 6- or 12-month course

Currently, we offer group courses on stress and depressive moods. A group course on anxiety will follow in February.

Website / URL to link to: 


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