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Cracow startup has raised PLN 1 million. It will develop a platform to professionalize sales via Facebook

Live commerce is one of the trends that has been growing in the ecommerce industry for the past few years. In live broadcasts conducted on popular online platforms such as Facebook or TikTok, retailers and online stores combine a fashion show with user interaction. Buyers declare their desire to buy in comments during the event or directly in private messages sent to the store, which then finalizes the order in the same way.

For customers, the so-called “sales lions” are not only a convenient shopping channel, allowing to shop from the couch, watch the clothes on a model or mannequin and quickly ask for details, or take advantage of special discounts, but also a form of entertainment.

– Sales broadcasts are steadily gaining popularity among both buyers and sellers. From the perspective of the latter, they are a great method of advertising and product presentation, as well as a way to organize marketing activities. However, this sales channel also brings with it specific challenges, such as informal chat communication, order clutter, and unfinished transactions. This is where Selmo comes to the rescue – says Filip Szczepanik, co-founder and CEO of the startup.

The application works like a sales assistant: by connecting to Facebook Messenger it allows to partially automate the conversation with the customer, to collect the data needed to complete the order and dispatch it, and to finalize the transaction using fast payment methods. It streamlines the collection and processing of orders placed during live broadcasts or posts on the store’s fanpage. It also gives better control over orders and stock levels and improves the shipment of goods, e.g. by automatic generation of labels. Selmo therefore facilitates the operations of not only live broadcast sellers, but also stores selling via Facebook without the live commerce model.

– Many online stores are created as a simple reflection of traditional stores. Vendors start out on social media and streaming platforms, using the most basic tools that no longer work as their sales volume grows. We help them streamline their operations and support them in post-sales processes, thanks to which they save time and can focus on what they are best at, i.e. promotion and sales – adds Kuba Karyś, the second founder of Selmo.

The founders of estimate that in Poland there are more than 10 thousand stores with sales transmissions on Facebook. Their number is constantly growing. From a global perspective, “sales funnels” are already one of the key sales channels for both small stores and big brands. They are particularly popular in China, where the value of the live commerce market was estimated at USD 171 billion in 2020 and is forecast to grow to USD 423 billion by 2022. More platforms are opening up to live commerce: Facebook and Tik Tok have been or are planning to be joined by Amazon, YouTube, Pinterest and Twitter, among others, not counting streaming platforms created for live sales.

– The potential of this channel is huge, so it’s no wonder that more and more stores are getting into live sales, including IKEA, Douglas, TommyHilfiger, CCC, Sephora or AVON. The first reactions from customers show that Selmo is a great solution to the problems of entrepreneurs conducting sales broadcasts and simplifies the conduct of such activities for companies in the SME area. We believe that the usability of the platform will soon make it the first choice tool for stores selling live broadcasts,” comments Maciej Kosuń, Investment Associate at Tar Heel Capital Pathfinder, which invested in the company.

Selmo has been operating in Poland since the beginning of 2021 and is already planning to launch its product abroad. First, it wants to target Spanish-speaking markets, where live sales broadcasts are very popular. The startup will also introduce its tools on new platforms, such as Instagram, and launch new functionalities designed for e-commerce sector clients for whom live sales broadcasts are not the primary sales channel.


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