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An innovative Hungarian startup has entered into an alliance with Microsoft

Microsoft has always been looking for ways to support the Hungarian startup community, but with the launch of the Microsoft for Startups Program, the company has stepped up a gear in Hungary and around the world. A promising Hungarian startup, prodHost, is the first and so far the only one to join the programme. The aim of the two brands is nothing less than to enter the market of manufacturing companies together.

Microsoft, one of the world’s largest software companies, is a global leader in cloud technology and artificial intelligence, as well as in the digitalization of businesses.As one of the world’s leading companies in the field of artificial intelligence and as a committed supporter of the digital transformation of businesses and enterprises, Microsoft has a long history of working with startups around the world. Through a variety of programmes, they seek to support them in their efforts toIn addition, they are constantly looking for ways to support the startup community in Hungary. With these goals in mind, the global Microsoft for Startups Program was born, through which the organization is developing and supporting B2B-focused, proprietary technology innovationstart-ups that are up to seven years old, use Microsoft Azure cloud services and have already entered the market or plan to do so in the near future.

prodHost has entered the startup elite

Inclusion in the programme is a prestigious recognition anywhere in the world. From Hungary, this has recently been earned by enterprise management systems startup prodHost, which has been awarded theAs a first step, they are now listed on Microsoft’s online marketplace Appsource, through which they can reach international markets.

prodHost was selected for the Microsoft for Startups Program after meeting strict requirements

Dalma Berkovics, the program’s representative in Hungary, and Szabolcs Gulyás, the managing director of prodHost ERP system, introduced the Microsoft for Startups Program and its future plans to the participants.The interview, published on the prodHost website, also revealed the requirements a startup had to meet to be selected.

First of all, it was important that prodHost’s system was technically capable of handling the majority of Microsoft’s solutions, but also that it used the most modern and innovative technology possible. Thirdly, their product had to fit well into Microsoft’s portfolio. For prodHost, meeting all three criteria was easy, and as a Microsoft partner, they were able to offer frees free business development, technology, marketing and sales advice and free access to the company’s cloud services.

The Hungarian ERP system can also reach foreign markets

The Azure Marketplace, which contains around 4,000 business solutions, could also provide significant support for prodHost’s plans to enter foreign markets. In September they will launch their improved ideas on the Hungarian market in English and German, with the aim of expanding internationally. “We are lucky because this year we have received another piece of good news: we have been awarded a contract for the development of the English and French markets.Solus Capital, which will help prodHost to become an Industry 4.0 sensor technology into a complex solution. What this will mean for our users is that they will not only be able to monitor their production area, but also their machines and equipment. Together with the various technological data, this can lead to more efficient production, better quality and better quality.better quality goods and more optimal resource management,” says Szabolcs Gulyás.

Entering the manufacturing market together

Microsoft’s expert says that Hungarian universities have excellent education and young people are extremely talented. They took a close look at the applicants, including the prodHost team, and thought it was a very exciting solution.for their customers, where they saw the potential for convergence, both commercially and technologically. “prodHost offers a solution at a mature stage with a large and global potential that we want to exploit together,” says Dalma Berkovics.

As the interview revealed, the long-term plan is clearly for the global brand and the Hungarian prodHost to enter the manufacturing market together.2

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