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AI, blockchain, big data, Fintech, and of course 5G, are all part of GITEX Dubai

This is the international Tech show not to be missed: with a hundred or so countries represented, GITEX has become in its forty years of existence one of the largest global events bringing together the most important players in new technologies. It is above all a global showcase where the latest innovations in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, virtual reality, smart cities and the Internet of Things are presented. In other words, all sectors that will play a central role in the growth of companies, in the energy transition and the future of our societies.

The biggest tech conference of the year

More than 450 specialists will take to the stage to detail their latest technological innovations, i.e. what the world of tomorrow will be like. These speakers, such as Saket Kumar, head of Google’s Data Scientist department, Daniela Rus, director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory or Nitin Gaur, head of IBM’s financial technologies in the United Arab Emirates, will present their latest and most revolutionary solutions. In total, 350 hours of talks that make GITEX an essential learning platform.

Smart cities

Gitex is the perfect place to understand, for example, how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming our cities into smart cities: investments in this field will grow from $129 billion in 2021 to $241 billion by 2025. In healthcare, global spending is expected to grow by nearly 4% through 2024, and technological advances will have positive implications that will last well beyond the current health crisis. As for energy: the projected $750 billion in innovation should enable an energy transition that benefits everyone.

Digital innovations

GITEX 2021 is also an opportunity to forge partnerships and commercial collaborations between start-ups (more than 700), big names in Tech (Intel, Microsoft, Dell, AWS, Ericson, etc.), global investors (more than 400) and institutional decision-makers from the Middle East, Africa or Asia. And this in all fields where digital innovations are synonymous with progress and development: health, finance, energy or education.

World Expo

That this event is being held in Dubai is fully justified: it coincides with the golden jubilee of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which celebrates the region’s fantastic digital transformation, and especially with theWorld Expo 2020 Dubai (October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022), which will showcase technological advances, new climate challenges and the future of health care. Aiming to be the “cleanest and greenest” ever organized, this World Expo is also the first to be held in the MEASA region (Middle East, Africa and South Asia).

Book your pass

For any further information please contact 06 12 95 81 75


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