
AI: The End of the Internet as We Know It

Working closely with technology, which is the case in the context of tech startups, often requires pondering what user interactions with computer systems will look like. One fascinating development direction is artificial intelligence assistants, especially those based on language models, such as ubiquitous GPT, whose evolution we are currently witnessing.

Recently, I enjoyed listening to a lecture by Janusz Kojro, an experienced developer and an AI and Large Language Models specialist at Ragnarson. Below, I share reflections on several key points raised during this lecture.

Present and Future

AI assistants are becoming increasingly prevalent, and future predictions suggest they will play an even more significant role in our daily lives. By leveraging advanced language models like GPT, these assistants have the potential to revolutionize our interactions with technology significantly.

The GPT is one example of an advanced language model capable of generating high-quality responses to various questions and problems. This development envisions that, shortly, we will use them more frequently in textual form and voice interactions.

The Development Direction of User Interfaces

More and more people are noticing changes in how we use the internet. Traditional user interfaces, such as websites or mobile applications, are evolving. Instead of browsing pages, users may directly address AI assistants, delegating tasks from searching for information to online shopping.

It is worth noting that there are already signs of reduced traffic on platforms like Stack Overflow. Instead of turning to traditional platforms, people approach AI assistants with programming questions, indicating a potential shift in how we seek information in the programming field.

The Future of the Internet

One intriguing scenario presented in the lecture is the vision of the future internet, where traditional websites cease to exist in their current form. Instead, every store, website, or service will expose API interfaces for AI assistants. It would mean that users communicate directly with assistants for tasks such as shopping, searching, or solving programming problems.

Kojro postulates that the trajectory of AI assistants is poised to extend beyond mere information retrieval and basic interactions. Drawing from the example of GPT models, he envisions a future where these assistants, perhaps linked to sophisticated search engines, evolve into comprehensive aides. No longer limited to internet searches, these AI companions may become our go-to resources for many tasks, from shopping recommendations to coding assistance. Kojro notes a perceptible shift in user behavior, citing instances where individuals increasingly turn to AI-powered chat interfaces for answers, gradually steering away from traditional online forums like Stack Overflow.

Integrating AI with existing platforms hints at a transformative tide in user behavior. Kojro observes a potential scenario where AI assistants, rather than human users, become the primary consumers of information from websites. In this envisioned future, users might seamlessly converse with their AI companions when seeking products on e-commerce sites like eBay or Polish Allegro, tasking them with requests like, “Find me shoes of a specific brand and size.” The AI assistant, equipped with intricate knowledge from various online platforms, navigates the e-commerce landscape to fulfill the user’s requirements.

This paradigmatic shift poses intriguing questions about the future of user interfaces and the very fabric of the internet. Kojro predicts a departure from conventional user interactions as APIs become the conduits through which AI assistants access information. This shift may render traditional web interfaces obsolete as users increasingly communicate with these digital entities through natural language interfaces.

Challenges for Front-end Developers

For the front-end developer community, these changes pose new challenges. While AI assistants may take over some tasks related to information retrieval or solving programming problems, there will still be a role for those dealing with system architecture and tools.

It is also essential to contemplate how monetization will occur in this new reality. Will traditional advertising models persist, or will new forms of payment for using services emerge?


The transformations we observe in artificial intelligence indicate a revolution in user interactions with technology. AI assistants, based on advanced language models, have the potential to change how we use the internet. Developers, both front-end and others, will need to adapt to these changes, and the future promises to be fascinating.

The insights shared in this text draw inspiration from Janusz Kojro’s lecture, offering a glimpse into the fascinating future of technology.

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